Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Rainforest Recipes Has Moved!!

Rainforest Recipes has now moved to a new location! We have been offline for awhile but expect to be back posting lots of delicious recipes at our NEW LOCATION: Project Ix-canaan: Rainforest Recipes.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

CEiMB: Broccoli and Cheddar Stuffed Potato Skins w/ Avocado Cream

Finally I've managed to cook and post this recipe!  I apologize to readers who came looking for this post when I was supposed to have posted it waaaay back about 3 or 4 weeks ago.  I fully intended to make this on the right day, however, my difficulties began on shopping day when the only avocados to be found were hard as rocks.  By the time I had bypassed that hurdle, Unificacion Maya 2009 was upon me, and everything else in my life ... including cooking and blogging ... was completely out of my mind.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Using Ramon at Unificacion Maya

I have just finished the Unificacion Maya Ceremonies for another year.  It is pretty all-absorbing for the month of December, and I haven't been able to take even a moment for blogging.  However, it is over now, and I am determined to get back on my usual schedule.

This Pineapple-Ramon Upside Down Cake was the dessert for our second ceremony.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

BB: Chicken Chili

This will be recipe #2 in the Barefoot Bloggers Challenge. It was well after dark before I finished it and served it, so the photography is pretty bad. I was expecting a Chicken Chili to have beans in it, but no, this was something totally different and unexpected.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

BB: French String Beans

I read last week about the Barefoot Bloggers Challenge ... to cook from 1 to 5 Iva Garten recipes (all listed at the "challenge" link) and post them this week.  I checked over the recipes that had been chosen for the challenge, and they all sounded fantastic.  'Why not?' I thought, 'we have to eat'.  As usual, cooking and eating the recipes is not the difficult part ... blogging them has turned out to be the challenge!!  I have had some major uploading problems recently, but with some late night work (when our satelite dish seems to get a stronger signal), I am beginning to catch up

I seldom buy green beans here ... the usual variety that are available in the market have VERY strong threads in them, and are difficult to prepare.  And no matter what you do, you end up with little strings stuck between your teeth.  Anyway, I must have been meant to make these because they featured stringless green beans in the vegetable section of the Maxi-Bodega this week, really fresh nice ones, so I bought a pound with this recipe in mind.


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